Movie Review: Hereditary: So messed up, so awesome
(Spoilers abound) Hereditary is one of the most profoundly disturbing movies I have ever watched. I found myself muttering throughout the thing: “Oh dang, “...
(Spoilers abound) Hereditary is one of the most profoundly disturbing movies I have ever watched. I found myself muttering throughout the thing: “Oh dang, “...
Christopher Moore, as an author, has been someone I’ve heard about at a low level for a pretty long time, but who I’ve never read. I was familiar with Lamb, ...
This book has been on my to-read list for a while. I’ve been a pretty big fan of Charles Yu’s short stories for their orignal formats - “Fable” was told as a...
Shel Silverstein’s The Giving Tree has been around since 1964, and I’ve seen it in basically every library and classroom I’ve ever entered. Every parent I kn...
Introduction Code katas are a great way to brush up on some of the fundamentals of software engineering - the skills you’ll actually use on the job. I’m par...